Emley Methodist Church Go back

Emley belongs to the Methodist Church denomination . However our congregation includes people with backgrounds in many other types of church. Our Sunday morning services usually last for 45 – 60 minutes..  Services begin at 10.30am and follow well-established patterns with hymn singing, prayers and a sermon about the Bible reading for the day.

There’s always someone around to welcome you and show newcomers around, and you may sit wherever you feel most comfortable!

All our services are intended to help us to meet with God in worship and to feel the love he has for us. Our readings and reflections help us to understand what he is doing in our lives and we are invited to respond with thanks and commitment as we seek to follow where he leads.

Generally the service is led from the front of the church by a worship leader, who guides everyone through the service. People are welcome to either sit or stand as they feel comfortable for the different parts of the service.

During the service, an offering is taken in which we are invited to show our commitment and love to God by making a contribution to the ongoing life of the Church. The money is primarily used to pay for the church minister and lay workers who help to shape our work as an authentic Christian community which seeks to offer God’s love to the wider world through our care and concern for our neighbours, both locally and much further away. No one has to make an offering of money if they prefer not to.

Children may stay with their parents throughout our services.

Getting to know people is an important part of church life. It is through our relationships with others that we most often see, give and receive God’s love. We usually, therefore, open the coffee bar after the service. If you have time, you are welcome to stay for a drink after the service to get to know others who part of the church family.

Should you need any help while you are in church, ask one of our stewards.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Church facilities

Amplified PA system in Church
Disability access
Church Hall integral to building
Premises available for hire