Families & Children
In recent years the circuit has made a major commitment to focus on Family and Children’s work. Every child is a gift from God, and we’re passionate about supporting families in the moral and spiritual growth of their children.
Our Family and Children’s Team, lead work in various churches with the support of volunteers to create an amazing Sunday experience for families. We are dedicated to creating a fun, relevant and safe environment where kids can learn more about God and themselves as they grow up. The team also host holiday clubs across the circuit which are well attended and provide a safe environment for children to learn and have fun!
Several of our churches host midweek Mother-Toddler groups, Brownies and Guides, Hand-chime Music Groups, and Kidz Clubs. Lay workers and ministers are active in leading assemblies in local schools as a way of contributing to the school’s PSHE and RE Curriculum. Just get in touch with Anna at the circuit office if you would like to find out more. ddcwcircuit2709@gmail.com
Spring 2024 Update …
The Easter holidays gave us the opportunity to work ecumenically with Penistone St John’s and hold 2 joint holiday clubs at our respective churches. The team work paid off and we welcomed lots of happy children into our churches to take part in craft activities, stories, worship and of course juice and biscuits!
Jesse Tree 2020
Follow the link to our Jesse Page Jesse