Holiday Club Season is Here!

Samantha Forster is busy preparing for a cluster of holiday clubs to be held across our circuit. Clayton West – Tuesday and Wednesday 30th and 31st July 9.30-3.30pm St John’s Penistone  5th August 10am-12pm  St Andrew’s Penistone 6th August 10am – 12pm  Denby Dale  – Champions Challenge –  Wednesday 28th August 10 – 3 Please contact her on for further details. 

Cawthorne Brass on the Grass! A great time was had by all as we met with our friends from Cawthorne All Saints for a joint outdoor service on the village green. Music was provided by Cawthorne Brass Band who kept us all nicely entertained! Children enjoyed the activities provided by Sam and the adults enjoyed a lovely time of … Continued

The Coat of Hopes comes to Cawthorne.

It was a pleasure to welcome the Coat of Hopes to Cawthorne yesterday as we hosted the pilgrims in our chapel overnight and held a special outdoor service to help raise awareness of the climate emergency. The Coat of Hopes is a patchwork pilgrim coat, on an ongoing walk through Britain. The Coat of Hopes … Continued

Job Opportunity In Leeds

Leeds Sanctuary are looking for an Operations Manager to work 21 hours per week based in Leeds City Centre. Visit for the full job description and an application pack. 01 20240628 Advert OM

An evening of music and joy!

A successful organ and piano recital was held at Denby Dale Methodist church last week. Dr David Biltcliffe kept the audience entertained with a wide repertoire of organ and piano music. Many thanks to all involved in hosting, it was a lovely evening.

The Coat of Hopes comes to Cawthorne

All are welcome to join us for a special outdoor communion service as we welcome The Coat of Hopes to Cawthorne. Sunday 7th July at 6pm on the Village Green. Coat of Hopes Cawthorne July 7th 2024 flyer

Don’t lose your right to vote!

Every election presents an opportunity for citizens to participate critically and constructively in the democratic process. We encourage everyone to ‘Love, Pray, and Vote”. If you live in England, you now need photo ID to vote in almost all elections. You will not be able to vote if you do not have photo ID, even … Continued

Methodist Women in Britain

We invite you to an evening with Helen Kim Scholars Madeleine Reed (Britain) and Heidi Hogan (Ireland) as they share their global experiences as Younger Women in  Leadership Development roles with the World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women.

Organ and Piano Recital

David Biltcliffe will give an organ and piano recital at Denby Dale chapel on Friday evening, 21 June.  The recital begins at 7.00 p.m. and doors open at 6.30. There will be a wide programme of Classical and later music, ranging from Bach and Mozart, through Schumann, Tchaikovsky and Widor, up to Sigmund Romberg The … Continued

Messy Church

Join us this Saturday for Messy Church fun at St Augustine’s. A lovely way to spend a Saturday afternoon! 

Let’s End Poverty

Will you stand for a future where poverty can’t keep anyone down? Tackling poverty has to be a key issue at the next General Election. With 1 in 5 people across the UK struggling against poverty, we urgently need change for our communities. Our political leaders need to know that we want tackling and ultimately ending poverty … Continued

Circuit Quiz!

It’s that time of year again! Time to sharpen your pencils and get your thinking caps on! The great DDCW quiz will be hosted at St Andrew’s this year and will include a pie and peas supper. £10 per person with all proceeds going to the Methodist World Mission Fund.

Coffee Morning Fun!

Don’t forget that Clayton West Methodist Church will be holding their monthly coffee morning this Saturday at 10.30am. A warm welcome awaits you all.

Easter Services

There are a wide range of services across our district this Easter Time. Including a time of special reflection at Sunrise on Easter Sunday at Bullhouse Chapel and a special united Good Friday service at Cawthorne Methodist. *Please note the Maundy Thursday Service at Thurlstone Millhouse Green will start at 7pm not 7.30pm as stated … Continued

Cliff Fest 2024

Cliff Fest 2024 “Rerouted- Making Peace on the Journey”  comes highly recommended for anyone wanting to connect further with the same faithful God who led the Exodus which will be studied throughout the weekend. 24-27 May 2024

Spread the Good News!

We thank Stuart for his support in getting these wonderful banners made. We hope to display them in the churches in our circuit to help share the good news about what being a Christian means to us. Keep your eyes peeled for them and see if you can spot any familiar faces ! If you … Continued

Sunday Services this week….

This Sunday we have services all over our circuit for you to choose from… St Andrew’s Penistone – United Covenant Service at 10.30am Thurlstone and Millhouse Green – 10.30 am Cawthorne – Refresh – Children’s activities – 9.45am followed by a short family service at 10,30am. West Bretton – 10.30am Denby Dale and Lower Cumberworth … Continued

Outdoor Christingle Joy!

We held two outdoor Christingle walks during December, one at Withy Woods in Denby Dale and one at Cannon Hall in Cawthorne. Both were well attended and enjoyed by all. A lovely time of fellowship and thanksgiving for our world at Christmas time.

Happy New Year

Happy New Year from all of us in the Denby Dale and Clayton West Circuit. A warm welcome awaits you in any of our churches throughout 2024.

Christmas Reflection

As we approach Christmas and may feel pressured to spend more on material gifts, take a moment to reflect on this thought for the day… Precious Jesus, in you we have found the treasure the world discounts. Rather than seek cheap substitutes in the world’s bargain basements, may your enticing beauty lead us to great … Continued


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