Events and Outreach
Our churches believe that Jesus moves them to face outwardly on the needs of their local communities and of the wider world. Some of our churches run Luncheon Clubs to provide a hot meal and company for some of the older members of their communities.
Other churches run Coffee Mornings and put on other meals at special times of the year like Harvest, as a way of bringing people together for conversation, but often also as fund-raisers for local, national and international charities.
Our churches are highly active in their support for large national charities: Action for Children, MHA Care Homes, Fairtrade, Christian Aid, and All We Can. Many of our churches also contribute to local Foodbanks in Wakefield, Huddersfield and Barnsley and St Andrew’s Church in Penistone is used as a distribution point for Barnsley Foodbank.
We are also active in campaigning for a fairer world through some of the above charities as well as through our close connection with the Joint Public Issues Team in Yorkshire.
Wherever we can, we work closely with sister churches. St Andrew’s Church is a partnership between the Methodist and United Reformed Churches; and the Church in West Bretton is run by the Methodist and Anglican Churches. Elsewhere we value our close connections with other churches through local Churches Together groups.